Why Having a Job Might be a Good Thing for Passive Income Beginners

This post is going to be a bit random. My progress has been very slow but I manged to do some things here and there so I’ll briefly write about them just to keep building the habit of blogging.

The reason for the slow progress is that I’ve been crazy busy at my job; in fact, it got so crazy that I finally decided to quit. I had been thinking about it for while and I’d already submitted a few applications to CG companies in the area so I have some job interviews coming up.  Finding another job shouldn’t be a problem. Finding one with normal working conditions might be a bit of challenge but I am optimistic about it. A big part of it is knowing my rights and demanding them from the start.

Anyway, I’ve been thinking about the positive implications of having a job. Most aspiring passive income earners dream of complete time-freedom but for me right now, having a job is actually a good thing and I’ll explain why. Simply put, I am terrible at managing a lot of free time (and if you’re relying on active income  right now, then chances are you suck at time management well :) ) . When I have plenty of time I end up wasting huge chunks of it, sometimes I don’t get anything done the whole day. As an example I didn’t make any progress on my passive income goals last weekend (although I did go to an interesting meetup in my area and got to know a few people who are already doing business online; these connections could prove valuable later on).

On the other hand when I come home from work, I am very motivated to start working on my own projects and at the same time there is a sense of urgency, which helps me focus on something important and start doing it right away. So even if you have a job, here are a few reasons to why this might be a good thing:

  • obviously, it helps you pay the bills
  • a slight dissatisfaction with the corporate environment is a good thing – it will motivate you to start working on your own business as soon as you get home
  • it eats up a lot of your waking hours, which creates a sense of urgency and will help you focus

I also figured out a way to increase that sense of urgency even more: I installed a small application that let’s me schedule an automatic shut down of my PC. That way when I come back home and start up my PC I know that the clock is ticking and I only have a couple of hours to work on my passive income goal. If you’re interested in the app I use, you can find it here: auto-shutdown . (You can find out more about the tools I’m using in the Resources section.  I’ll probably go into more details about some of them in further posts. )

I hope to gradually develop my time management ”muscle” . Until you have sufficient time management skills having your own full time business won’t be sustainable and you are better off working for someone else. Think about it!


The auto-shutdown app I mentioned is about to shut down my PC in a couple of minutes so I gotta hurry and hit Publish :)

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